15 in 2015

It's NYE! How time flies. It feels like just yesterday that my whole Instagram was filled with 2K15. Going to do the 15 in 2015 and it was tough coming up with 15 things so I ended up including resolutions. Please, let there not be a 16 in 2016 next year! 😂
 1. NBS Camp 2015 
Because NBS camp as a Y1 was so mentally and physically draining (I lost 3kg in 3 days), I was originally really reluctant to go back as a senior. But I'm so glad I did because I had tons of fun, I met my freshies, and I bonded with my OG mates. Even though I'm pretty sure I didn't lose weight this time round (all that food while the freshies played games!) it was still one of the best experiences of 2015. Ⓜ️
 2. TCL 
(One of the first few flatlays I took there! My old phone had no more space for photos but I didn't delete this one because of sentimental value haha.)

Working at TCL was a great experience! I felt a bit like a fish out of water because the job scope was not something I was familiar with. Thankfully I managed to muddle my way through, though I do wish I had done more. 😬 It was fun being the BTS of an online store, and I learnt a lot. Plus working in an office filled with clothes, hehehe.
 3. Montigo 
Montigo was something special because it was actually the first time going overseas without my family! (Not counting school trips to Malaysia haha). Thank you again bosses for letting me go on this trip! 

Montigo was so picturesque and comfortable, and there were so many first experiences. Rooming with @mermaidsarereal was also fun, I think we bonded over all our antisocial similarities and buggy ride #cheapthrills 😂 Also thankful that this trip allowed us all in the team to bond a bit more!
 4. OOTD 
In 2015, I'm thankful and happy that I have friends/parents who indulge in my hobby and agree 100% willingly to help me snap my photos (even though most come with a disclaimer that they are terrible at taking photos). In 2016, I definitely hope to be able to take more #ootd, and get better at them! I used to take like 50+ shots and only find ONE I like, then spend ages editing it, but now it's better. 😁 Maybe my standards have dropped? Hahaha. Eh but recently my likes have halved idk why >:
I have lots of friends who make fun of this hobby (one even copied my poses and captions and posted "parody photos" of my ootds) or ask me why I bother with it when it will never get me anywhere, but honestly, it's not up to you to judge what I like to do 💁🏻 And so I'll continue to do what I like for as long as I am able to!
 5. Friendships 
I won't post a photo of my friends up here because they don't know about the existence of Dayre, so I feel like it's a breach of their privacy. But I just wanted to give a shoutout to them because friendships are very important to me. I like that I've a little community of friends in NBS who are willing to share (and I give in return too). And to my bestie (it's been almost 8 years!) - even though you always ignore my messages and we are too busy to talk often, I still love you! 😂
 6. True Friendship? 
At the same time, I've had some not-so-nice encounters. Someone kept messaging me for advice/help but ignored me when he saw me in RL. Others who don't usually message me suddenly message during finals period asking for my PYP answers/topics I focus on/if my teacher gave hints. It may sound petty to say that these things annoyed me, but they are questions I normally ask close friends, not someone I don't usually speak to. It made me feel a bit taken advantage of. Makes sense, yes?
So in 2016, I hope to be able to (as my friends always chide and advice me) ignore such messages instead of replying to them and giving in to their requests even while feeling stressed and complaining over it. Ok maybe not ignore, just perhaps put aside until I'm free to entertain them.
 7. School 
No photos of me in school, so a photo of my Accounting notes will have to suffice! Honestly I only saw this while flipping through my notes 2 hours before the exam. 😂 I still have no idea how it happened/what the correct sentence was meant to be.

Anyway, results were just out a couple of days ago and I'm thankful for them. My accounting results were a pleasant surprise, while my business results were... Not unexpected, but I still wish I did better. Still, here's to a new sem of studying hard!
 8. Family 
My family has never been peaceful! We quarrel and get annoyed with each other too often, but I know family is one of the most important things to me still. And I know we all love each other a lot, so all these small fights and quarrels don't affect me too much. 💕 And of course I'm also thankful for my aunts/cousins who always think of me when on holiday and bring me back nice food to eat. Thank you family!
 9. Staying at home 
There's really nothing the same as your own bed, and home cooked food everyday. These are the small things in life that I didn't realize I missed until I finally left hall. And making my own lunches to bring to school has been fun! I can't really cook, so the maximum I can do is egg/ham/cheese/chicken/tuna sandwiches and fruit, but it's way better than Koufu food!
 10. Traveling to Pulau NTU 
Random photo of the family bunny because there's no photo for traveling.

Traveling 3.5-4hr a day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's tiring and the crowds and jams can be crazy. Waking up 3 hours before lesson starts just to make it to school can be near impossible. But I did it for one sem! ✌🏻️ And I'm thankful that my dad volunteers to give me a ride when I have 8.30AM lessons/end at 6.30PM once a week. 😘
 11. Serangoon Brotherhood 
The JC clique! I'm glad we are still in contact, 2 years down the road. Wouldn't have made it through As without them.
 12. 2016 Resolution: Be more organized 
I need to clear all the clutter in my study room and bedroom! I have so many boxes of stuff and presents and things from my Taipei trip to pack and put away. And there's never enough storage space! I need to be more organized and less messy. And stop hoarding things.

And of course be more organized and diligent regarding my work. 😁
 13. 2016 Resolution: Stop being #foreveralone 
This one is a joke. 😂 My friend was just telling me how she used to watch the NYE fireworks every year with her friends but this year they all cancelled because they're spending it with their other halves instead. And my friend and I asked each other what we are doing wrong with our lives. 😂

May 2016 bring more good luck for us! HAHA.
 14. 2016 Resolution: Grow Up. 
In 2016 I have to do a lot more things like my official Accounting internship and also go on exchange. Growing-up things like that. I want to face them with a more mature mindset and learn more new things! Hopefully I'll make it through.

Also, side note! I'm watching Sassy Go Go as I type this, and it's really nice! Seo Ha Joon (Ji Soo) is such a puppy! 😍 I always have second lead syndrome.
 15. Traveling to Taipei 
Last but not least I'm thankful for my family holiday to Taipei! Holidays are normally expensive so my family usually only travels once every 2 years. I planned this trip, so I'm glad it turned out well. We did quarrel and snap at each other, but over all we had lots of fun. I'm not sure when the next family trip will be, but I shall be glad that our Taipei trip was a huge success! (Btw people like to take photos with camera slanted so I look the largest 😟).

And now, on to 2016. 🏃🏻


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