Day 54

Found a new type of bread for my lunches! I still haven't gotten over Cedele closing down yet - every now and then I walk past the empty store and cry internally over my lost loaves of bread. 😂 I tried Bakerzin's ciabatta last week and while it was very affordable, it was too floury and dry, with no fluffiness or substance to it. Maybe that's why you get what you pay for haha.

And my momma wins best mom of the year award - she cooked me chicken fillets to use in my lunches because she claims that eating ham every week is going to make me stupid since it's processed food. 😂 I'm not going to complain because I get free good meat to put in my sandwiches. #hazelslunch

Carted out this dress from #fayth because can you believe it I do NOT have a single black dress. I went through an all black phase as a teenager and then I cut the colour out of my wardrobe for a long time after that. Talk about extremes. 😂 Not sure what size to get because sometimes I wear S and sometimes I wear M... So I just carted out M 😪 it's sold out now in both sizes so I just hope M fits.

Ok moving onto this week's #ootd. Y2S2 feels like hell recently. Normally I have one or two weeks per sem where somehow every project/presentation/assignment will be due on the same week even though the project dates are random (one group presents per week). BUT this semester is hell week every week. Heads up if any NBS freshies see this: be prepared to die in S2.

How I ended up wearing this dress is a long story. I wanted to take ootd because it's been a long time since I last took. But I had nothing new to wear so I decided to shop my sister's closet 😂 she offered to lend me this YHF high necked grey dress. BUT I've never looked so bad in anything before. It was HUGE at the shoulders and PTP and everywhere else BUT the hips area was as tight as a clubbing skirt. Needless to say I didn't wear it LOL.

So I borrowed her CNY dress instead, a white laced up piece from #younghungryfree. My sister thought I wouldn't dare to wear it because I'm normally very conservative (nothing below 32", nothing low cut) and her style of clothes is the exact opposite of mine. For the record this dress is 31" and the laced portion opens all the way to just above my belly button. But hey I wore it 💁🏻

There's something I like about the short dress though - it makes legs look way longer. I wore shorts underneath because raising my arms brought this dress way above my butt, so... #tallpeopleproblems. Looks like at least my Brandy Melville shorts (which are too short to be decently worn by themselves) can be put to good use.
This dress (size S) was SO tight around the shoulders and bust though. I always have problems with sleeved items 🙄
This dress (size S) was SO tight around the shoulders and bust though. I always have problems with sleeved items 🙄

Paired it with black boots from #Topshop. I went through a boot craze sometime last year and bought too many boots that I don't wear anymore, so I decided to start putting them to use. OH and middle parting - yay or nay? 😂
Truthfully my hair refused to behave that day and fell naturally into a centre parting. So if that's what it wants then that's how Imma roll 😂 I couldn't get used to it and my sister got a shock when she saw me at night haha.
Truthfully my hair refused to behave that day and fell naturally into a centre parting. So if that's what it wants then that's how Imma roll 😂 I couldn't get used to it and my sister got a shock when she saw me at night haha.
Ok now it's back to work - I've had project meetings almost everyday. And somehow right in the midst of my busy period, I just WANT to paint my nails. Not sure if I should though because I have two interviews next week. 😪
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