Day 82

How my new glasses make me feel.

I'm so frustrated with the fact that I still can't see?

When I first got them I couldn't even turn my head because it felt like something was blocking my left eye from seeing. 

So the staff at Vivo kindly helped me to bend my frames and at least I can turn my head now.

But I still can't see comfortably. I feel like my right eye is doing all the "seeing", and my left eye is just feeling extremely uncomfortable.
So I did an experiment.
I closed my right eye and stared with my left eye at my computer screen.

The words were clear.
Then I turned my head very slightly to the right.

The words became blurry immediately. 😱 and by slightly I mean like maybe 15 degrees. The more I turned the more blurry it got.

Which effectively means that I can't see anything with my left eye so long as I don't look 100% straight with it. What gives? 😪
No wonder I keep having the urge to take down my glasses and polish them! I kept doing that over the past 2 days only to realize they were very clean to begin with...

So tomorrow before school I'm heading to YET ANOTHER Owndays outlet to get them adjusted or see if anything can be done. I feel like telling me my astigmatism is the reason why I can't see with my left eye is bordering on ridiculous - what do I wear glasses for then? So because of astig I can't turn my head anymore?
🙄 I've been wearing glasses since I was 6, and have never had so many issues with a pair of glasses before. 14 years, with 4 of those years with astigmatism. And I've NEVER had to return to my optician complaining that I couldn't see with my glasses. I've had a variety of frames over the years... Oval, thin rectangle, big rectangle... Etc.

My sister can't see with her new glasses either so Idk what's up.

I hope tomorrow is going to be the last time I step into an Owndays shop ever again.


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