#OOTD TTR Lacross Blouse (White Grids)

Today was like a good face day 🌚 sorry, #selfpraise a bit, don't mind me. 😂 It's not everyday that I only take 5 minutes to snap a bunch of #ootd! 

Just got home, finished dinner etc, and I'm feeling a bit too tired to be using my brain for work so maybe I'll revise some Korean. The lessons have been getting exponentially more difficult. 😲

Also need to settle my house rental in Canada! I really hope this lease goes through and isn't a scam. 🙏🏻
I'm also booking air tickets to USA tomorrow! Pretty excited for it, I hope things go smoothly - it's been a bit bumpy so far trying to iron out the kinks in our pre trip plans and trying to find someone willing to rent to us. I spent 2 whole sleepless weeks emailing landlords, googling air tickets, etc.

Ok end of caption-photo-mismatch.

Moving on!

Wearing my new shirt from #TTR today! It's the Lacross Blouse in White Grids size M.
I probably gave myself heatstroke in a long sleeved top and culottes. 🌞 The sun has been really merciless recently.

M is a bit loose for me but I prefer button ups to be on the looser side because otherwise my shoulders get restricted quite a bit!

Paired this top with my #Lovebonito Clarita Culottes for a very preppy feel 👍🏻 I love preppy if you asked me to wear one style for the rest of my life I think it might have to be preppy. 😂
Wearing Brink on my lips again for #FOTD... It's literally the easiest colour to wear. I contemplated SMLC Cannes but I've been wearing that way too much.

Anyway I'm exhausted. I slept only 4 hours last night (AGAIN) after chatting with my exchange friend about some of the details.

All I can say is... It's really tough being an adult. 👧🏻

Currently listening to old Kim Jong Kook songs! Oldies are best.
Anyway my hair is super flat recently (you can see in the close up) - I had to tousle it just to get volume for the other full body shots, otherwise it looked terribly flat and stuck to my head. 😵 I just don't have time to style my hair in the morning though... I feel like doing something to change it up like cut it shorter and get highlights or something. But my pockets already exploded from exchange expenses and I haven't even flown there lol. 🌚
When you have a very act-yi-ge photo pose but you can't seem to get your face to look right. 🌚 So I cropped off my head, but I think it looks way better like that right. 😂

Ok! Time to reply the landlord and hopefully get her to send the lease agreement... And then settle down for some Korean revision and Tax readings. Tomorrow is going to be a log day studying for my IT test on Thursday. 😵 hope y'all had a good Monday!
Oh ya I also had a very #cheapthrill moment because Song Hye Gyo wears a LOT of button ups in DotS (kiss scene in the kitchen especially!) and her gorgeous striped dress had a Mandarin collar like my grid top. So the whole day I was like "I can channel SHG/Mo Yeon today! 🌚"

Currently typing out a HELLA LONG list of questions to ask my potential landlord. I hope she's not too irritated haha it's my first time renting overseas. 😅


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