t w e n t y - o n e
Just turned 21, about 34 minutes ago. And I really shouldn't be up so late because I'm waking up to go jogging tomorrow morning, but... A birthday calls for a long, draggy, emotional post. 😳 Wearing #fayth Genesis Top in White, TTR ripped jeans (I forgot the name, that's what growing older does to you), and my trusty NB sneakers. But first, I've to show off this card made by the sister @mehmehsheep who is suddenly dabbling into watercolours. I wish I had the time and/or talent to do things like that. 😠Maybe someday. (The name written is what she nicknamed me, in case you were wondering. Don't ask why.) Thank you to the annoying baby sister who gets on my nerves but is still my favourite sister (also, I only have one sister). A birthday post calls for a family photo, if not only for the fact that family is forever. Thank you to my parents for bringing me up for 21 years... It's definitely been a hell of a journey because I've not always b...