Day 180

I'm considering getting one of these from Taobao because I have no offsies and I don't feel like splurging on one (I predict low mileage).

Which one should I get? 🤔 any opinions, girls?
I also love these two items from tonight's #fayth launch. 😭 But I'm really trying to save money for exchange, and these items have low mileage too... I can't wear them in freezing Canada. Another part of me keeps wishing I had applied to Korea instead, actually.
Or this? There are a lot of sellers but the cheapest is about $10. None have reviews though... So I'm not sure if I should take the risk.
Anyway guys sneak peek of a macaron from my birthday cake hehe. If y'all follow the baker that I got the cake from, you would probably already have seen it. But I haven't edited my photos yet and my birthday is tomorrow... So I shall post photos up tomorrow instead.


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