t w e n t y - o n e

Just turned 21, about 34 minutes ago.

And I really shouldn't be up so late because I'm waking up to go jogging tomorrow morning, but... A birthday calls for a long, draggy, emotional post. 😳

Wearing #fayth Genesis Top in White, TTR ripped jeans (I forgot the name, that's what growing older does to you), and my trusty NB sneakers.
But first, I've to show off this card made by the sister @mehmehsheep who is suddenly dabbling into watercolours.

I wish I had the time and/or talent to do things like that. 😭 Maybe someday. (The name written is what she nicknamed me, in case you were wondering. Don't ask why.)

Thank you to the annoying baby sister who gets on my nerves but is still my favourite sister (also, I only have one sister).
A birthday post calls for a family photo, if not only for the fact that family is forever.

Thank you to my parents for bringing me up for 21 years... It's definitely been a hell of a journey because I've not always been the easiest kid. I don't do household chores (trying to improve on that), I throw tantrums, and my recovery from acne/piano lessons/clothes/makeup have probably cost them a fortune. So I'm thankful for everything they've given to me willingly and unconditionally.
 Things I learned by 21 and Things I'm still trying to learn 
♠️ How important loving yourself is

I may or may not have mentioned it before, but I struggled a lot with acne and weight issues in the past, and for many years I was just a huge ball of insecurity. I always read acne posts on Dayre and I know many people have gone through similar things, so stay strong y'all. πŸ’•

For many years I was unhappy because I wanted to be so different - wanted to be skinny, pretty, have big eyes, etc. I think somewhere along the way I learnt to accept whatever I have.
Sure, my skin's still crappy and my eye size will never change. My weight continues to stubbornly increase, but hey, so what? It doesn't change the fact that I'm still uniquely me.

Loving myself means a continuous improvement. I exercise, try to eat as clean as I can on most days, and practice a slightly more disciplined skincare regime. Gotta treat my body right - you only get one body in your lifetime.
(Anyway, I have to digress because what I just typed reminded me of the Channel 8, 9PM show's ending last night? It really left me befuddled because the ending was terrible, but the phrase δΊΊη”Ÿζ²‘ζœ‰ι‡ζ₯ (there is no repeating life?) did strike a chord in me. There's no second attempt at life. You get one chance to live your life. Make the most out of it.)
♠️ Friends come and go, and that's ok, because those who really care will stick around.

It's inevitable to meet people who will only stay in your life a short while, and it's only natural that people drift apart over time. But those who you really connect with, those who energize you with their company... They're pure gold and worth cherishing.

♠️ Be less uptight about life.

It's difficult because I'm inherently fussy and uptight about everything. But I'm learning to take things easier.
(Today's lunch)

♠️ I need to learn how to cook.

This sounds so silly but I really want to be more independent. Each day I grow older is another day that my parents grow older too. And I wish that they will be healthy and strong for decades to come, but I also know that I have to be able to stand by myself. It's time that I should be taking care of them too.

♠️ I should bitch and complain less.

I have a short fuse, but a shorter anger dissipation time. Getting angry less wouldn't hurt though!
A photo with my birthday cake! (Photo spam coming later on).

I think I'll get off Dayre now... And watch episode 3 of Doctors while masking. Which by the way if you haven't already tried, you should. (Because Jisoo is everything). So far so good for the show! The first two episodes really pulled me in.

Pretty excited because I'm eating salad lunch with a fellow intern tomorrow. Catch y'all later on in the morning!
Gooooood morning!

Currently on the way to client's place (I'm very late and there's been an accident on the road, please stay safe y'all! 😒).

Woke up to a face full of itchy rashes again after my mask last night. Maybe I developed a sudden allergy to it. 😞
 My Birthday Cake 
I got a birthday cake from @/nglitying on Sunday. I actually ordered it almost 3 months ago just in case she was fully booked!

This is the prettiest cake I've ever seen, but maybe I'm biased because it is my own cake.

I told her I wanted something ethereal and magical, and fairy like. Nothing too overdone, just minimal and elegant. And boy did she deliver. This was just gorgeous. The moment I opened the box I was literally bedazzled.
The other side of the cake.

It looks like a fairy tower to me, all solitary and calm and quiet, and surrounded by a sparkling blue forest of flowers. 😳 

Some details: chocolate cookie base, brownie with marshmallows, feuilletine, a layer of mint mousse, and a top layer of cookies and cream mousse. Salted caramel, and mint chocolate macarons. Salted caramel chocolates that she made as well.
(Disappeared because I was on my way back to the office.)

I LOVE these flowers, the dark purplish blue ones, but I have no idea what they are.
(This photo makes me so happy).

Finally ended work and back with the photo spam!

I love love love macarons but they're super sweet and expensive so I never ever buy them. For a birthday treat though... 😌 I ate 3 of the 6 HUGE macarons on this cake. I do not regret.
Ok last photo!

This cake was really good. The layers of brownie + feuilletine, topped with the mint mousse were heavenly. I didn't especially like the cookies and cream mousse because it involved cream cheese, but it was good still. But I REALLY loved the bottom layers of the cake.

Worth every penny I paid. πŸ€‘ And I would definitely order it again... Maybe for another special occasion (when I get married? LOL).
Look at this terrible grainy photo that I sneakily took in the client's office before I headed back. My #ootd for today - I'm madly in love with culottes. But this pair is so tight that it really makes me reconsider all my food choices...


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