Boston Day 4

Just had a somewhat small-ish conflict with someone...? And the best thing is I don't even know what it's about.

If there is a problem why don't you just tell me what it is so we can sort it out before it happens? πŸ˜ͺ I really hate it when people don't talk.

Still, 4 more months to go. I'm not about to let my exchange become unpleasant. I can do this!
Backdating because I didn't have time to update yesterday's activities!

And also because we played bridge til quite late at night again. πŸ˜…

Anyway... Not sure what to think about the scenario I raged about last night but I don't think it escalated, so... I'm confused as to what even happened. But it's ok DISNEYLAND coming right up and I'm so excited!
πŸ“Black Seed Cafe and Grill
131 Tremont Street, Boston

We started off the day with chicken kabobs and bad service. Well, not bad service per se, but the situation was rather hilarious.

I ordered for my friend, "one large coffee". The server replied with "I'm sorry, I don't understand you."

So I repeated it slowly. This time she repeated it after me and I said yes.

Afterward she handed me an iced coffee and told me that I had ordered an ice coffee. Say what?
The guys went to Chipotle for breakfast and we met up a couple of hours later at Primark! Primark was FULL OF GOOD DEALS but I controlled myself by reminding myself that I have no luggage space and no use for summer clothes anyway.

Then we headed to Harvard!
Harvard is gorgeous, all red bricks and looming walls. I can't imagine what it is like to live and study here! Compare it to NTU haha.

Then again, Harvard. How many of us can even dream of studying there? πŸ˜…
The statue of John Harvard, the founder of the school! And the foot that everyone touches for GPA 5.0.
We visited a bookstore where I spent quite some time browsing. 😍 The smell of fresh, untouched books appeals like no other.
Drugstore buys! I went to more than 5 CVSes and only managed to get 2 Nyx Lingerie lippies, Push Up and Exotic. Push Up borders on a too-nude colour for me, but because this range is so difficult to buy I just bought it.

And I bought a Physicians Formula Happy Booster blush! It really does make me feel happier just looking at it. 😍 I got it in the shade Rose because I didn't bring any pink blushes.

We had another fruit (and ice cream this time, USD5 for 2 pints of Hagen Daz) party that ended in a lot of bridge games.

Bridge brings friends together, I think. πŸ˜‚ I used to have a very dysfunctional PW group and the only time we had fun together was when we were playing bridge. ♠️
Last day in Boston!

The people in Boston are really nice. More than once, we were approached while on the streets because we were standing around looking at the maps, and the passers by wanted to know if we needed help getting to some place.

Thank you Boston for the fun times and amazing seafood!

#hazelnutinBoston #hazelnutonExchange
We had lunch/dinner at a place called Charlie's Kitchen where I HAD to have the lobster burger because it was our last meal in Boston. I effectively ate lobster every day.


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