Orlando Day 3: Florida Mall

Today's #FOTD!

I wore Beau Brun again today, despite my terrible first encounter with it. And surprisingly I like it a lot more today. I think my cracked lips were not in any condition for me to judge the lippie that day.

I still don't like how much it transfers, even when I'm just drinking water. But at least enough colour is left after that it looks fine!
Still using my Physician's Formula blush because I like how rosy it looks on the face, but it's really not as pigmented as I would like. I have to keep building it up!

I've also been giving my hair a break because using the straightener on it daily for more than 1 week has been crazy on my hair.

πŸ“Florida Mall

We had A&W for lunch at Florida Mall! The portions are actually relatively small, but we shared this amongst 3 girls and were still full. Probably because we also had 2 root beers, and we stole some of the guys' fries.
One of the guys' ordered from Philly Cheese Steaks and he got these cheese fries with bacon bits. They were so good? The girls and I ate more of this than we should have.

But we all agreed that the root beer from Philly's tasted more like Sarsi, and the A&W one is incomparable.
Carlo's Bakery had such a long queue and everything looked so good but we gave it a miss. I wish someone else in the group had a sweet tooth like me!

Oh we also discovered that on weekdays, Godiva soft serve has a discount of 50% on the second cone. No wonder we got 2 for USD9 the other time!
A shot of my new Timberland boots!
We visited the M&M store just for fun and the whole shop smelled deliciously of chocolate, but we didn't buy anything.
We went to Body Shop and bought body lotions (if u buy 4 items you get 40% off) and they had this little diagram showing what each scent meant. This was the scent I chose. πŸ˜‚
I want a pair of Stan Smiths. I saw a pair in NY with this print, but I can't find them anywhere in Florida, and I can't seem to commit to a plain boring blue pair. πŸ˜ͺ I want either this or a holographic pair!

But in any case there were no women sizes in adidas for us.
Asian Chao for dinner! It's an Asian food overload these few days!
This was taken from our Uber as we traveled back to our hotel.

In Orlando there doesn't seem to be buses or trains, or at least not any around the resort area. So it makes more sense to take an Uber and split the bill!
We caught a gorgeous sunset from the window of our 8th floor suite. (We booked a family suite with 2 rooms, one for the girls and one for the guys. We chill in the living room!)
And from CVS... We spent USD6 on these snacks. Say what?

J was so excited because these were all USD1 each only.



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